By Jonnygiant - 14/03/2009 01:45 - United States

Today, I was taking a shower after basketball practice. When I got out of the shower I thought no one was home so I thought it might be fun to walk around the house completely naked. I walk downstairs and my mom was eating dinner. Along with 20 other members of her bookclub. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 266
You deserved it 70 097

Same thing different taste

Top comments

that's probably more embarrassing for your mom than for you.

CowGoesMoo 0

I'm tired of these fake ones. Yes, 20 women get together and are DEAD SILENT when doing so. I mean, I would believe it if you said maybe 5 or 6, but 20 women/people? Near impossible to miss. Unless you are deaf. In which case, that is possible and that really sucks/is embarrassing.


No. Twenty women ? silence. There's about a 1% chance that twenty women sitting together in one place, esp. while doing something as talk-inducing as eating, would sit in absolute silence.

Number 1 rule when that happens: Don't start panicking and look stupid, trying to cover yourself! Be like: "Hey, what's up?" and leave the scene walking! Then you have the power of the moment and don't look like a complete fool. ; )

How did u not hear them? Women are the loudest creatures on earth!

wtfdidido 0

Ok, first of all just let me say that i dont know why you people are so critical of a freakin story. I mean is it really that important to you? Do you really have nothing better to do than critique a stupid little annecdote? Its a damn website people. cmon now. Why can't you just laugh at it and move on? And for your INFORMATION these 20 members of the BOOKCLUB just settled into my house and WERE silient because they were reading a passage from the BOOK they were about to discuss. Oh and I'm sorry that i wasn't able to smell their meals from two stories above.

Dude, people critique every post on this site. It makes it kind of fun, actually. Ya brought it on yourself by not checking before you strutted your stuff, I mean, c'mon. But I will give you that it does suck. FYL

member0987654321 0
member0987654321 0

hmmm i love walking around naked when no ones home.. it's invigorating, it's liberating! just like yeah **** you this is mahhh house but alwaaaays make sure no ones home and #12 you're sick.

Haha I believe it! I've done shit like that except its always like my gardners outside or something.