By Jonnygiant - 14/03/2009 01:45 - United States

Today, I was taking a shower after basketball practice. When I got out of the shower I thought no one was home so I thought it might be fun to walk around the house completely naked. I walk downstairs and my mom was eating dinner. Along with 20 other members of her bookclub. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 266
You deserved it 70 097

Same thing different taste

Top comments

that's probably more embarrassing for your mom than for you.

CowGoesMoo 0

I'm tired of these fake ones. Yes, 20 women get together and are DEAD SILENT when doing so. I mean, I would believe it if you said maybe 5 or 6, but 20 women/people? Near impossible to miss. Unless you are deaf. In which case, that is possible and that really sucks/is embarrassing.


that seriously sucks:( sorry. next time just at least wear the minimal haha

bieberfreak18 0
jokercard2010 0

In his defense, walking around the house naked is a lot of fun.

How did you not hear 20 women chattering in your house?

if she was in a book club wouldn't you have known they were coming? or did you forget?

with 21 people in your house, how could you think someone wasn't home?