Tonight, on Asshole Bosses…

By ThanksAsshole - 28/03/2020 20:00

Today, I got fired from a business I ran for almost 6 years. Why? The new owner refuses to close, despite our governor ordering non-essential businesses to close, and for people to stay home. I told her I wasn’t comfortable working, and that it was technically illegal. So she fired me in a group chat. FML
I agree, your life sucks 2 280
You deserved it 182

Same thing different taste

Top comments

When the courts and lawyer offices reopen, you can sue for unfair dismissal. In the meantime, good luck OP. Sorry the owner is a twat.

There must be a law against that? Unfair dismissal?


When the courts and lawyer offices reopen, you can sue for unfair dismissal. In the meantime, good luck OP. Sorry the owner is a twat.

I don't think you will have trouble finding a lawyer, I doubt you will even have to pay upfront that is such an easy case...

There must be a law against that? Unfair dismissal?

Contact your lawyer that’s illegal.

Hayesa 12

Some courts are still open in the U.K. so get screenshots of this, also proof of last payments and start preparing your case. You’ll want all the dates of government announcements ideally from official websites (again screenshots as it’ll show the date and time you checked these facts and closer to the date is better but atm in the U.K. its day 6 of lockdown so easy to use still) I know it doesn’t help now, but I wish you luck

If they've said Governor, I doubt they're in the U.K. The fact that some of our courts might be suggestive of what they might do elsewhere, but not strongly so.

They fired you without just cause, call a laywer immediately,depending on the size of the business you will never have to work another day in your life after the payout from this.

Listen, all you amateur attorneys, you don't know what state the OP is from so your unsolicited legal advice is worthless. We have Orwellian-named "right to work" states that allow bosses to fire employees with and without cause. Also, we don't know what the business was and if the OP's interpretation that it's "non-essential" is correct. In 2020 America, workers have practically no rights and must kiss the boss's ass.

samomaha 17

I've gotta agree with ya, RP. I live in one of those states. I think the most OP coujld do is contact whatever local authorities are designated to handle such cases and report it as a non-essential business that is remaining open and firing employees who won't work. Then, call the local news stations and fill them in. Publicity is a very important tool nowadays.

bloopaloop 27

It’s not really “illegal” and “essential business” is intentionally vague and intentionally called a suggestion. If you really wanted to reduce staffing for the Wu-flu you probably should have worked with them more on it. If I owned it and you told me you “weren’t comfortable working” You wouldn’t be managing my place either.

julfunky 29

It’s not vague nor “intentionally vague.” What a ridiculous thing to say. You can contact someone and get a straight answer on whether or not your business is considered essential. It’s also NOT ALLOWED for a non-essential business to stay open when the governor orders them to shut down. Or, you know, illegal. Or close enough to it. Do you not understand how a shelter-in-place type of situation works? Warning then a fine. Not something you’d receive if it was 100% legal. You sound like you’d run your business into the ground with your backwards interpretations of the current situation.

And since that's illegal you should be able to collect unemployment.

samomaha 17

I gotta agree with you, RP; I live in one of those states. I think the most OP could do is contact whatever local authorities are designated to handle such cases and report it as a non-essential business that is remaining open and firing employees who won't work. Then, call the local news stations and fill them in. Publicity is a very important tool nowadays.