By Anonymous - 31/07/2009 17:01 - United States

Today, I was sitting on the train when some crazy man started talking to me. I ignored him, and he tapped on my shoulder. He started blabbing and I just pointed to my ears and mouthed, "I'm deaf." He stopped talking. A minute later my phone rang and I answered it without thinking. FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 073
You deserved it 75 567

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I guess faking a serious impairment is always okay.

Don't be such a jerk. For all you know... he was telling you the secret of life! Dun dun dun... But no seriously, that plan was doomed to fail in some form.


you're pretending to be deaf, not why would you have to mouth it????

Many people who are deaf also have trouble in their speech.

Yea, a lot of Deaf people can't talk well at all unless they weren't born Deaf.

go_rangers 0

I've done that... usually with crazy people or people trying to sell me something. It usually winds up being a longer conversation anyways... they try to test me and see if I can read lips or whatever. It helps that I can (decently well, it's really tough) and that I'm fluent in ASL, though. But yeah... it can be pretty offensive to Deaf people, so I try not to do it unless I'm in a really bad mood. If you do that and a Deaf person sees you, it could be pretty uncomfortable.

I think it depends on the Deaf person, if they are Deaf and not deaf yes I would agree, they might get pissed. Some Deaf people aren't all high and mighty on their Deaf cloud though so that's good lol.

go_rangers 0

Heh, of course. Most Deaf people wouldn't care, but there are some Deaf purists who would be really offended. My friends don't care when I do it, but if I was a stranger they might feel a little differently... or try to catch me in my lie. :)

Well that was a mean thing to do... YDI. Poor guy was just trying to have a conversation.

I've done this before... I'm an ASL interpreter... haha my Deaf friends get a kick out of it.

go_rangers 0

heh, yeah, I do it all the time when I'm out with my Deaf friends. what makes people come up to a group of people signing and just start talking is beyond me. My Deaf friends are always like... what'd he say?? heh.

I wear hearing aids and talk on my cell phone all the time; and if you walk on a Deaf campus you can see kids talking on their cell phones thanks to hearing aid compatible phones and amplification. It's not impossible.

what do you care? i'd have done the EXACT same, but on purpose.

bribria 0

That's how god gets ya! Haha. But dont make a joke like that evem though u want ppl to stop just politely say leave me alone always works(unless he was bonkers)