By anonymous - 10/11/2016 14:29 - United States - Lewistown

Today, I was subpoenaed on behalf of my mother-in-law. My husband said if I didn't defend her and consequently lie under oath, our marriage is over. She said, "I can get rid of two problems in one day!" FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 796
You deserved it 767

Same thing different taste

Top comments

dblogic 19

I'd be tempted to testify truthfully and let them throw her in the slammer...or slap with a huge fine...or whatever penalty she's up against. Your husband shouldn't be blackmailing you with your own marriage. WOW.

crazy_bananas 31

What the ****. Don't listen to your idiot of a husband. If you get caught lying then you face serious prison time and a hefty fine, as lying in court is a federal offense.


dblogic 19

I'd be tempted to testify truthfully and let them throw her in the slammer...or slap with a huge fine...or whatever penalty she's up against. Your husband shouldn't be blackmailing you with your own marriage. WOW.

usnwife 18

Be tempted? No question about it, Id be truthful, and be filing divorce papers myself!

Tempted? I don't know how you could be considering lying under oath. Sounds like your MiL is a piece of work, anyways. Tell the truth and work it out with your husband after.

dblogic 19

Yes, folks, I said tempted. One of the funny things about language is that many words in English can have several expressions. The standard meaning of tempted would be: "entice or attempt to entice (someone) to do or acquire something that they find attractive but know to be wrong or not beneficial". Another meaning is: "have an urge or inclination to do something". So please, relax people. If it makes you feel better: I'd be inclined to or have the urge to testify truthfully & throw the bitch in the slammer.

crazy_bananas 31

What the ****. Don't listen to your idiot of a husband. If you get caught lying then you face serious prison time and a hefty fine, as lying in court is a federal offense.

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It's too bad we can't continue voting once a reply gets too many down votes. I'd help you climb out of your deficit, peckerbeak.

Might of missed something, but if you don't lie you get divorced (win if ya ask me) and she goes to the slammer, if you do lie then you don't get divorced and she's potentially free, so sounds like either way it's a win-lose situation to her.. Either she's free and you're her daughter and law or she's in jail and you aren't. Idk lol

Ahhhh thank you went completely over my head

I was thinking the same thing. I read it again to make sure.

Yeah I completely missed that as well.

cranberries_fml 17

No that would be positive reinforcement

Doesn't sound like either is worth a crap...tell the truth, it will set you free (of a crap in-law & spouse) !

I always thought you couldn't be required to testify against your family for this exact reason. You're forced to choose between betraying your relatives or committing perjury. Maybe that doesn't extend to in-laws?

You cant be compelled to testify against your spouse, you can volunteer to. But as far as the rest of your family, they can absolutely compell you.

mariri9206 32

It's Spousal Privilege, not Familial Privilege. :)

Divorce that scum though. Don't like to jump to that but that's redic. FML community will throw ya a party. :)

Any time in a marriage that type of ultimation is delivered is a bad thing. Talk to him without mother-in-law around and see if that is his real stand. Ask him if he would really want you to lie under oath and possibly get in trouble for purjury. If his answer is yes then you have some thinking to do. Do you lie (comprising your morals, possibly getting into serious trouble and giving into blackmail) or do you tell the truth and loose your marriage. I personally think that a good husband/marriage would not of placed you in that position to start with. My husband would never ask me to do something like that.

Geckosrock99 33

Tell the truth, OP. You could also tell them that your husband tried blackmailing you into lying under oath. Teach them they can't do whatever they want and get away with it.