Thanks for the heads up

By thanksma - 29/01/2017 07:00 - United States - Stilwell

Today, at his request, I met up with my brother for lunch so we could catch up. Apparently, our mother put him up to it so he could tell me our parents are getting a divorce. They didn't want to tell me themselves because I'm "too emotional." FML
I agree, your life sucks 6 802
You deserved it 650

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Wow, how incredibly selfish of your mother ! I've been my parents' buffer for years now and it sucks big time. I only "accepted" to do that because I had a younger brother and I didn't want him to be put in that position. At least it means your brother really cares about you if he's willing to do that. Try to help him not to be put in that position though, it can really hard, honnestly. My parents split up 3 years ago and every once in a while they argue about something (through me cause they don't speak at all) and it almost always comes back biting me in the ass. Good luck with the divorce. Hopefully it won't get too messy !


Wow, how incredibly selfish of your mother ! I've been my parents' buffer for years now and it sucks big time. I only "accepted" to do that because I had a younger brother and I didn't want him to be put in that position. At least it means your brother really cares about you if he's willing to do that. Try to help him not to be put in that position though, it can really hard, honnestly. My parents split up 3 years ago and every once in a while they argue about something (through me cause they don't speak at all) and it almost always comes back biting me in the ass. Good luck with the divorce. Hopefully it won't get too messy !

Is it really that shocking to you? most marriages end in divorce anyway.

I feel bad for you, but I REALLY feel bad for your brother...

Your parents really need to grow up. How inconsiderate of them to make your brother do their dirty work. They are the parents, it's their divorce, and if it is emotionally traumatizing to you-their child-they should have to help you through it. And now your brother has to basically keep his emotions in check in an attempt to keep you more calm. They have completely failed their job in this round. I'm sorry OP. FY-and your brother's-L! From experience, I recommend finding a counselor you trust. Good luck.

I know how you feel!When my Nanna (dads mum) died my mum didn't want to tell me bc I'm "too emotional" So she rang my brother, who was in the same room as me, and told him to tell me. As soon as he'd hung up the phone he said "Nanna's dead" and just walked away to his room. It's scarring.