By cammy123 - 08/05/2009 05:25 - United States

Today, I went to Target. I was on my way to the bathroom when I find a huge mirror. No one was around so I started to see how my butt looked in my jeans, checked up my nose and fixed my bra. An older woman then walks out of a door next to the mirror and explains that it's a two-way mirror. FML
I agree, your life sucks 21 583
You deserved it 47 215

Same thing different taste

Top comments

ben26_fml 0

why did so many ppl say YDI? how the **** is anyone supposed to know whether a mirror is normal or a two-way. and at target, who would know target has a two way mirror...FYL

that_guy321 2

EVERY target i've ever been to has those two way mirrors. You can even see through them if you look closely enough. plus, you were on your way to the bathroom, couldn't you have done it there? YDI.


Oh wow that sucks. But maybe YDI for not checking for a two way mirror (press your finger up to the mirror...if the reflection touches your finger it's a two way mirror...if not, then it's a normal mirror). :D

nates0210 0

you're an idiot number 1. OP did you look good?

It's a one way mirror not a two way mirror you dumb shit. And your not gonna die. This isn't an fml.

usually if u press ur finge to any mirror the reflection touches ur finger :/ have no brain much? yea I think so.

for gods sake stop taking this so seriously. It's not as if every FML has to be sinister and horrible. p.s - Bad luck OP !

the cow goes mooooo and actually it is true, that's how you tell. might wanna check you vision there.

Well #119 if you remember your science classes you would know what he means. If you put your finger against a normal mirror in your house you would see a gap between your finger and the reflection. If it's a two way mirror you would see your finger connected to the reflection (meaning there is no gap). But I don't think it's OP's fault. Who the hell would check a mirror in the open? Maybe a washroom mirror because you want privacy.

Ok the only thing that is, is embarrassing. If you think your life is fu*ked because of're a retard.

ben26_fml 0

why did so many ppl say YDI? how the **** is anyone supposed to know whether a mirror is normal or a two-way. and at target, who would know target has a two way mirror...FYL

LOL. Oh man. That is so embarrassing.

It wouldnt be that embarrassing minus the nose checking

ohhhhshizzz 0

#1: What? Your finger touches your reflection if it IS a mirror. @OP: IDK why so many people say you deserved it, who would know that Target had a two-way mirror, where the hell?