By Anonymous - 08/05/2009 04:18 - United States

Today, I was running on a track above a basketball court. I noticed several cute guys playing a pick-up game, so I tried to run my hardest. Not paying attention, I didn't hear when they warned me about the ball flying towards me. It hit me in the head, I then ran into a wall and face-planted. FML
I agree, your life sucks 20 417
You deserved it 40 946

Same thing different taste

Top comments

This sounds suspiciously similar to another FML from about a week back. And not to repeat the comments from that one, but why would you run faster? You're meant to run slower. Bay Watch-style.

Well. Not exactly what you wanted but you did get some ball to face action. ;-) And besides, not really a FML as they likely paid you more attention from that then if the ball hadn't come your way at all.


Ummmmmm Why is there a wall anywhere near a track?

This is why I impress guys by sitting on the couch and watching tv! Although i was blessed with a fast metabolism...

Yeah, I run faster when I pass people I think are hot, but I don't wear a shirt when I do that, much sexier. Course, I am a guy, and being fast and showing off a totally beast core is sexy. If you ran shirtless, that would definitely get there attention, also the attention of the small children in the park and the cops. Also, run hard, be sexy, then talk, works all the time.

breaksprinter_ 0

What you also could have done was just lay there until one of the attractive guys came over to see if you were all right. And when they got to you and asked you, you could have been like, "I am now, that you're here," haha, cheesy and cliche, I know, but funny nonetheless and it gets at least the guy who helped you up to forget about your face-plantage and also gets him a little more interested in you. Make the best out of the situation! Better luck next time.

ugh5666 0

omg its you i was one of the ppl that warned you

if 51 is true, then that's really funny. I hope they asked if you were okay. = )

I thought the point was to stop running altogether?