By Anonymous - 28/06/2009 18:44 - United States

Today, I was riding my bike without the seat cover on. I hit a curb wrong and the two metal rods from the skeleton of the seat went through my jeans. I went to the med clinic to then find out that I had to get stitches in my scrotum. There were no male doctors. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 431
You deserved it 49 757

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Ouch! Bad scene. YDI a little bit for not seeing that coming when you rode without a seat.

paks7 0

umm....use a seat cover?? why the hell would you ride a bike without a seat?


Dilosaurous_Rex 0

WOW DUDE! Seriously, the part about no male doctors is a plus. I mean, come on dude... whenever I have to go get a physical I pray to god as hard as I can that I get a hot women doctor. I just don't understand who would rather have their balls handled by a dude than a chick?

Look I'm all for nurse fetishes and all that... but when your BALLS need STITCHES, who gives a **** about hot stuff?! I would normally have prefered a male doctor as well, but at that point I really wouldn't care.

Lulu714 0

22: You're SUPER hot! In case you were wondering :P

I think he means that since there were no male doctors, the women doctors didn't fix his scrotum right since scrotums are parts of a MALE's body.

blankslate 0

I really don't think it would matter either way- male doctor or not. I'm pretty sure they would know what they're doing. Also, wouldn't it technically be the nurses that would have to stitch him up? I think so.

whatacoolkid 0

hahahah you must have been a HAPPY fella.....


junkinmahcranium 0

YDI for being so big of an idiot that you rode without a seat cover! Why would that ever sound like a GOOD idea?! I can imagine riding without a helmet or good brakes, but a SEAT COVER? Jeezus. And you're a GUY, so that makes it worse. Fool. Oh, and why would you go over a curb if you had no seat cover? You're ridiculously dim-witted.

aybaileigh 0

Why would you ride it...without the seat cover?

You get your ball sack ripped open and you're worried about getting a boner in the ER? YDI

Wow all negative comments? hahaha that sucks dude

what the hell? why has EVERY comment been "buried" because of the negative votes? how ridiculous. anyway, i cringed at this, and i'm not even a guy. FYL. hope you get better soon.