By Anonymous - 22/10/2011 06:10 - United States

Today, I was relaxing at home while my boyfriend played with his hamster. After a while of silence, my boyfriend came over and put his fingers next to my face. Trying to be cute, I stuck his fingers in my mouth and sucked on them. Turns out he was trying to show me how bad hamster pee smells. FML
I agree, your life sucks 19 614
You deserved it 53 627

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Dont suck things that have been holding hamsters


cmabmb112210 0

Uhm he was playin with a rodent that was dumb anyways

Wow, that's lol but I feel sorry for you somehow, but don't think about that. Everyone eats poop when they're little so I hope you feel better :D you've eaten poop also.

Since when did sucking on someone's fingers become "cute"?

ben10jammin 3

Who has or plays with a hamster?

Good attempt to be sexy, sorry it backed fired.

gators1995 30

Being kinky at the wrong time