By GothicAngel17 - 19/05/2012 11:05 - Australia - Brisbane

Today, I thought I felt my baby kicking for the first time. After excitedly exclaiming this fact to the few people around me, I involuntarily let out the loudest fart. Not the baby kicking, just gas. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 703
You deserved it 4 362

GothicAngel17 tells us more.

57- well you seem to have quite a good memory, ha. I've gotta say I'm thankful that the morning sickness has subsided so I don't have to drop everything and run for the toilet or for fresh air (except on a Saturday for some reason). Now I'm just gassy it would seem. Oh joy. And forgetful. Speaking of which I just remembered I put eggs on the stove to boil a while ago and forgot about them so now I have to go D:

Top comments

mhopper 13

It's ok. When you're pregnant you get away with more stuff like that! :)


BarDownDaily 12

Now you awkwardly just play it off as you meant to do it as a joke...

itwasallyellow 0

Yeah, maybe the baby just kicked the fart out of her

bigtaytay 13

sometimes u cant help it...and the farts just kick outta there

This girl had an FML about the coffee smell upsetting her while being pregnant, and she worked in a coffee shop! this poor, poor pregnancy.

57- well you seem to have quite a good memory, ha. I've gotta say I'm thankful that the morning sickness has subsided so I don't have to drop everything and run for the toilet or for fresh air (except on a Saturday for some reason). Now I'm just gassy it would seem. Oh joy. And forgetful. Speaking of which I just remembered I put eggs on the stove to boil a while ago and forgot about them so now I have to go D:

Cool OP commented. Dude I get what your saying (not from experience but whatever).. Yeah after morning sickness comes farts and craving and back aches.

mhopper 13

It's ok. When you're pregnant you get away with more stuff like that! :)

True, true! You can't really control your body normally especially when pregnancy is a new thing to the soon to be mother.

I'm not looking forward to peeing myself every time I sneeze though D:

mhopper 13

As long as it's not in public! Congratulations and good luck :)

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Because a doctor needs to put their face right under the ass to see if a woman is in labor? Change your doctor mate, I think the doctor/patient boundaries are being breached with yours!

It's obviously just joke... My first response was "LMFAOOOO"

iHeartRKO 5

Get a sense of humor @ darwin

He did. That whole "change your doctor" was his joke. Lrn2humour n00b

Too bad that while giving birth you soil yourself in every possible way regardless...

littlesister67 0

Good thing is, when you go into labor, they give you an enima (sp) so things like that won't happen. Whew.

They actually didn't with my two. My youngest they just gave me a suppository and said go shove it up your ass. (Not quite but was definitely in between the lines) either're gonna shit yourself. And bleed. And gush stuff you'd never thought you would......

XxHoodieBearxX 5

It's just a part of being pregnant.

kayla_ann0o 9

At least you didn't poop yourself

I don't intend on pooping myself anytime soon -.-

kayla_ann0o 9

Hm but did you intend on farting?

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Better out than in my friend Shrek always says.

daisyismydog 3

I disagree. Better in than out, for others' sakes

grace12898 0

I just wanna say I like your profile picture... :)

grace12898 0

I just wanna say I like your profile picture... :)

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