
By beka - 07/01/2019 12:00

Today, after our housing offer was accepted, I told my parents. The only response was, “That’s a much nicer house than I had when I got married, I hope you can afford furniture.” Thanks mom. FML
I agree, your life sucks 2 200
You deserved it 262

Same thing different taste

Top comments

404wan 19

Sometimes it's hard for parents to accept their children are doing better than they were at the same stage in life. Enjoy your house and your husband!

I've had a similar reaction from my parents on two occasions. It really bursts the happy bubble when the people who you want to be happy for you only want to judge you. Sorry you had to get this reaction from them OP.


404wan 19

Sometimes it's hard for parents to accept their children are doing better than they were at the same stage in life. Enjoy your house and your husband!

Also the parents could be saying OP is be over extending themselves financially...

The way it was put suggests OP’s mum is just jealous.

I've had a similar reaction from my parents on two occasions. It really bursts the happy bubble when the people who you want to be happy for you only want to judge you. Sorry you had to get this reaction from them OP.

OP - What was the reaction you were expecting? If you expected congratulations, then yes Mom’s reaction was a downer. If you expected Mom and Dad to buy furniture or help you out financially, then perhaps the reaction you got was justified.