By Anonymous - 13/11/2015 13:34

Today, I was reading comments on an FML, and saw some made from my girlfriend's account. Now I know she's one of those people who say "Dump him!" even when the situation clearly doesn't warrant dumping. Looks like I might be in for a sudden breakup in the future. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 614
You deserved it 2 670

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Or just as bad are the ones that go, "I'm sure you're beautiful/handsome OP!" Bitch please, you don't know that.


BstMode 14

Just remember it's always your fault... Unless she's just bat shit crazy.

meli1195 31

if it's always OPs fault, then I would assume she's batshit crazy

No... That's not how relationships work.

Or just as bad are the ones that go, "I'm sure you're beautiful/handsome OP!" Bitch please, you don't know that.

Those ones always get liked by random passer-by-ers because they believe it is encouragement. I don't mean to be a douche but some people that have made fmls on this app have probably lied or over-exaggerated their side of the story to get encouragement and attention from others. By the way I'm not saying I, myself, am exempt from this, it is a human way of life that is simply unavoidable.

You know, you posting this FML may actually be the unwarranted reason she uses to dump you. Irony much?

Probably the reason he made it anonymous :D

Today on FML I said how my girlfriend is one of those "Dump him!" girls. Now I'm single.

Xandrick 22

I really want to slap a Like on this, but that would ruin the beautiful 69 number.

This needs a follow up when she sees this

ber4fun 23

Maybe she will see this FML and only post that when it's true going forward.