By Jesse - 20/03/2009 05:48 - United States

Today, I was pulled over by my father who is a police officer. He was training a rookie and gave me a breathalyzer test to show his trainee how to do it. I blew a .15 and was taken to jail. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 942
You deserved it 151 266

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Wait... did he pull you over by chance or was it that he told you he was going to? And you are a total douchebag if you were driving with a .15 and you deserve to go to jail. DON'T DRINK AND DRIVE PERIOD

I think it's pathetic you chose to drive drunk.


You're an idiot...If I were your father I'd have smashed your face into the wheel.

You know the funny thing is. That if you look at the conversion rates for BAC in those other countries, when you transfer it to ours. It's a 0.05 and a 0.02 respectively, which are both legal in the U.S.A. Just found it funny that he scoffed at our ability to handle alcohol and how much of our beer is water, when in his country it's illegal to drive at a 0.7, but not in America. Back on topic, I do not condone drunk driving, and think that this person that was driving with a BAC of .15 is not so bright.

Ahhem 0

The odds of this happening are too incredible. By the way-If this really did happen, you are a 'tard.

71, .15 is twice the legal limit, its pretty ****** bad,at this point their motor skills are heavily imparied, this idiots just lucky they didnt kill anyone

06SuFi 0

You deserve to stay in jail for awhile. I hope you get sentenced to at least 5yrs. I know some people that were killed by dumbfucks like you driving while impaired.

for those of you who are saying that "everybody does it" or "everybody will do it" think again. there are plenty of responsible, caring, smart people out there who WOULD NOT DRIVE INTOXICATED. i am one of them. drunk driving is just stupid.

Once again. people should get it right. Usually its the Americans who are stupid but this time its the Europeans. When you(Europeans) say .2 what your really saying is 2% of the liquid in your veins is alcohol. When we(Americans) say .2 we mean 20% of your blood is alcohol. See the difference? Btw. Most people go into a coma at around 25% and most dont live past 30%

yes funny but you deserved it and i think you guys need to lay off a little on the OP if his dad is a cop im sure he learned his lesson everyone makes mistakes. Yes drunk driving is a serious offense, but lets just be happy that this wasn't a headline on some news channel. some of you who want him to die......little harsh......

EGG_fml 0


you are a ******* dumbass not even a FML moment... you deserved that x 100000 i hope you get your license taken away