By lemonadedisguise - 18/07/2009 17:14 - United States

Today, I was out to dinner with a friend. When the bill came with a customer satisfaction survey, I put honestly that the "server friendliness" was "below average." Ten minutes later, I had to return to the restaurant to beg the waitress for my keys, which I had left on the table. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 932
You deserved it 22 609

Same thing different taste

Top comments

How the **** did OP deserve it?! If the service was shitty, the service was shitty

I would've talked to the bitch's boss. If you were being honest, and then you had to BEG for your keys because she saw, then maybe, just maybe, the bitch should've been fired.


wow, some of you are jumping the gun the OP never said that the waitress took his keys as 'revenge' for his honest comment. He felt bad that after he gave her a low score, he would have to go back and ask for they keys he forgot on the table from her- because she would have cleaned up the table and found they keys after he left. The waitress is not a psycho bitch who took his keys. The real question here is how many people are actually literate when reading FML's.

legendarygirl 0

You should've punched her in the ovaries.

you've never been a waiter/waitress have you? Try it some time and maybe you'll understand why service is sometimes "below average."

Waiters may not have control over every aspect of your dining experience but the OP was rating "server friendliness" and there is no excuse for the server to be unfriendly.

Chances are, it was her manager, not her, who read the survey. She probably never even knew what you said...

Guitarist45 0

sounds like if she pulled a stunt like that, she deserved the bad review

amaneylandx3 0

what goes around comes around....karmas a bitch.(:

Dude. So what was she supposed to do? LIE and say that server friendliness was perfect? She gave her HONEST opinion, which is kind of the point on those surveys, it's not like she was doing it out of any mean spirit. To OP, FYL.

You definitely just had to threaten to call the cops

You were right about the review...