By lemonadedisguise - 18/07/2009 17:14 - United States

Today, I was out to dinner with a friend. When the bill came with a customer satisfaction survey, I put honestly that the "server friendliness" was "below average." Ten minutes later, I had to return to the restaurant to beg the waitress for my keys, which I had left on the table. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 932
You deserved it 22 609

Same thing different taste

Top comments

How the **** did OP deserve it?! If the service was shitty, the service was shitty

I would've talked to the bitch's boss. If you were being honest, and then you had to BEG for your keys because she saw, then maybe, just maybe, the bitch should've been fired.


godyourethick 0

YDI for leaving your keys on the table.

How is this FML? You were just being honest, the waitress can't complain on THAT if she isn't doing a good job in serving.

Jerret 6

I can see why she's below average.

Mademoiselle_fml 34

Might've been uncomfortable to ask her for something afterwards, but you were only being honest.

dbeatty 12

As soon as you request the keys and she denied giving them back, you should have talked to the management... Or the police. where I am, it's still theft. the management would probably have to fire her for committing illegal acts on property and on shift. I've heard some states have a law dictating that.