By ThePidgeon - 19/10/2009 18:36 - United Kingdom

Today, I was ordering food at McDonald's when a condom fell out and onto the counter. The server looked at me funny before my friend turned around and said, "It's okay, he's never going to use it." FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 215
You deserved it 7 780

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I'm assuming it fell out of your wallet. YDI for that. A wallet is a terrible place to keep condoms.

sanem0808238036 0

FYL ....looks like life already ****** you with that condom


Lol hey your friend might have a point haha __________________________

its called " mabye you should get laid"

why would you be carrying a condom in the first place??

YDI for keeping a condom in your wallet. Only self absorbed wanna be macho men do that. you're not getting laid at the bank, so WTF?

I'm assuming it fell out of your wallet. YDI for that. A wallet is a terrible place to keep condoms.

Sun_Kissed18 25

Yupp, warms up, cools down, warms up, cools down, etc. It will now break IF you ever use it. Didn't anyone ever teacher you that?

We all make spelling or sentence structure mistakes, including you. Grammer? I believe you mean "grammar" dumbass ___________________________

brunomars09 3

Hinting that you wanted to get down and dirty with the lass who hands out Happy Meals. were you? Naughty, naughty! But YDI for thinking you could eat the McSponges.

Oh, I'd bet he'd give her his Big N Tasty with Cheese. Maybe finish off with some creamy ranch sauce, or better yet, Tangy Honey Mustard Sauce.

sanem0808238036 0

FYL ....looks like life already ****** you with that condom

alex_mu 0

& thats what friends are for!

perdix 29

You should zip up if you insist on wearing a condom all day just to prevent screw-ups like this. And unless you walk around all day with a boner, it's going to have a tendency to shift around a bit, and you never know where it's going to end up. You should really keep it in its wrapper until usage for its designed purpose is imminent, which means, according to your friend, forever. It's not a funny rubber stocking cap for your penis, y'know.

icecreamthoughts 0
perdix 29

Yes. Now that you know that I am kidding, I hope you can unclench your sphincter and have a nice laugh.

perdix 29

Mercy, if you're into tongue-in-cheek, you have a good chance of finding a sphincter.

If you've a condom in your wallet long enough to refer to it as "my condom" - you don't need to be carrying a condom around, you won't be needing it.

You're telling me you don't name all your condoms? Then how do you know who got to visit Allison and who got trashed in the motel with Melody?

LegndNikko 0