By whoops - 11/04/2009 20:43 - United States

Today, I was on my way home from work and decided to stop at the grocery store. I purchased $200 in groceries and went to put them in my car. I then realized I drove my motorcycle today. FML
I agree, your life sucks 19 414
You deserved it 88 774

Same thing different taste

Top comments

some1outthere 0

LOL at #3. Anyway, how the hell do you forget what you were driving?


keetlover 0

just eat all the groceries there, than poop it out when you get home! I know I am brilliant!

That's not even an FML... that's just a... wow, how stupid! So... WHS.

LOL, thats what you get for trying to be cool.

YesyDidWhat 0

k_li Your an idiot! it's not his fault he forgot, people make mistakes.

some1outthere 0

LOL at #3. Anyway, how the hell do you forget what you were driving?

CONGRATS! your officially retarded

YesyDidWhat 0

And your officially a jerk!

SenselessPattern 12

Still you're*. The hell am I doing posting on this old FML.