By hatesgravity - 02/09/2010 11:40 - United States
Same thing different taste
By ihpgolj - 18/06/2009 05:31 - United States
By scottskidee - 12/04/2011 17:45 - United States
By Anonymous - 29/05/2024 02:00 - Australia - Perth
By Anonymous - 07/06/2019 12:17
By Banana_Lord - 11/09/2015 23:50 - United Kingdom - Arbroath
By Robert - 13/09/2013 01:11 - United States - Drummond Island
By lumacsp - 08/10/2009 12:22 - United States
By whoops - 11/04/2009 20:43 - United States
By leilei - 30/11/2010 00:25 - Philippines
By Anonymous - 03/05/2021 02:02
Top comments
First, Maybe :)
#1 Get the **** off, no one cares that you are first. This FML bores me.
that's definitely a life accomplishment congratulation on ur victory
YDI. No reason you just do.
i wanna ride on your motorcycle
Motorcycles are HOT.
10- Think of all the people there to witness it. Much more embarrassing.
my comment got deleted with #1s... I said it was dumb just like #10 did.
BOOM Headshot!!!
I'll let you ride my motorcycle ; )
14 you must not know how scary it is to go 75 on a motorcycle if you have never done it before...
@31 Its alright at that speed. =) Adrenaline rush! 90miles per hr, THATS scarier. But considering that OP is probably new to riding, ITS PRETTY DAMN HORRIFYING.
Enjoy your murdercycles. Those damn things are deadly. Take it from a trauma surgeon. There is something very comforting about having 3000 pounds of steel and fiberglass surrounding me if I'm in an accident.
No it's not, you pussy. That's cruising speed.
I've been a daily rider for 6 years now. 13 000 miles a year. There's absolutely nothing scary in going at that speed in a straight line. Scary is going fast in a mountain road, with lots of curves. Scary is going fast on a racetrack. But speed itself ? Especially with the quality of the chassis of modern bikes ? If 75 on the highway is scary to you, then you are not made for this.
All of you are stupid. She was scared to go fast because she thought she would have a screaming ****** of death.
I agree, he's a N00B!!!! Why have a bike if you're skeered to go 75mph? I'm a GIRL and have DEF gone faster + never layed my bike down in a damn parking lot. idiot. Methinks OP needs a MSC.
Oops, OP IS a girl... THAT explains alot :-)
what the hell are you riding where you can hit 70 in first gear "easily"?
@ 38 so, ok, true, they are quite dangerous, more than a car is, but how about the fact that they are better for the environment since they go faster and longer on less gas? :) And about people dying.. You know the whole world is getting overpopulated? lol ok ok, that's cruel, but true.. if ya think about it :P
42 win!!!
You said sheeple. Anything you say is dismissed, forever.
YDI for having the nerve to take your cycle up to 75 on the freeway. you shouldnt do it out of nerve, do it when you feel you are ready. even though you didnt fall on the freeway, you mightve. idk
dude chill out. Mebbe if ur new and OP is a girl it cud be scary...
#53 - it's not about who causes the accident. It's the fact that you're generally in a much worse position after getting in an accident when you're on a motorcycle compared to when you're in a car. Even if the person in the car caused the accident, that's not going to lessen the motor cyclists injuries. Believe Doc when he says those accidents are nasty - I've seen some of those victims myself, and there's no way I'm driving a bike anymore.
You are third.
You seem disappointed, would you have preferred to fall on the freeway? there there... there there.
sorry op but this made me lol
haha that sucks to be you !(:
most falls happen at low speed
Better that you just fell in a parking lot rather than in front of cars going 70+mph.
Get back to the kitchen woman!

You seem disappointed, would you have preferred to fall on the freeway? there there... there there.
Hey, you got your bike up to 75...for the first time, that takes guts. And you got your first drop out of the way--and not at speed. That's fortuitous! Sounds like a win to me! Just wear your gear all the time and have fun on the bike...