By my kids smell bad - 25/06/2019 06:48

Today, I got into a screaming match with the mother of my kids. I told her they need to bathe more often. According to her, anything more than once a week is excessive and bad for their skin. My kids play sports and smell like puppies from the pound. She doesn’t care. FML
I agree, your life sucks 2 403
You deserved it 208

Same thing different taste

Top comments

If you're no longer together, call CPS and get a lawyer. If you are together then bath the kids

if they are not too old bathe them yourself... if they are old enough make them realise how gross they are being and teach them how to use soap etc.. and just be near the bathroom when they are bathing!


jojimugo 20
Alup132 22

I’d call CPS. That’s definitely abusive.

Mungolikecandy 19

Getting into a screaming match is never a good idea with the mother of your children even if they are wrong. You need to stay calm (not always easy).

Mungolikecandy 19

It looks like 7 people think screaming at someone is a good thing? That is worrying.

yelling is the only proper means of communication as adults.

If you're no longer together, call CPS and get a lawyer. If you are together then bath the kids

Teach them how to prison bath it with a hose.

if they are not too old bathe them yourself... if they are old enough make them realise how gross they are being and teach them how to use soap etc.. and just be near the bathroom when they are bathing!

Trinity Fenwick 7

tell her to lay off the peyote, seriously. your kids are going to get rashes and fungal infections.

Umm I see why she's the EX she sounds really lazy or just stupid and just so ya know thats neglectful abuse, dirty skin attracts bugs like fleas, chiggers and lice and will also make them vulnerable to skin funguses/infections, I know all this personally from having a bad mom trust me she is neglecting those children in other areas too ,call CPS otherwise they will be ridiculed by other kids for their look and smell and when they grow up they will resent both parents one for being a bad parent and the other one for not protecting them from the bad parent.

It is bad for your skin to bathe every day as it keeps the good bacteria from staying on you and it dries your skin out. HOWEVER, that does not apply to if you sweat excessively. The more you sweat, the more you shower. There’s a show on Netflix called Adam Ruins Everything that goes over this as well as provides sources. I’ve also done research on it. Below is one of my sources.