By lame-o-prof - 15/07/2013 21:14 - Canada - Edmonton

Today, I was marking exams. I then had to explain to many of the students that (a) pigs are not aquatic animals and (b) sharks do not have lungs. These are university students. FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 202
You deserved it 4 077

Same thing different taste

Top comments

friedpwnadge 25

Public schools are doing a fine job I see.

The "no child left behind" program at its finest!


olpally 32

Are you sure they aren't in 1st grade? Lol. Wow.

olpally 32

Just checking cuz these kids seem pretty damn stupid.

Oh, the irony is strong with this one...

olpally 32

Trying to make a joke you ******* morons. Good god. Get bent.

Wait, you're telling me pigs aren't amphibians and sharks don't have lung? I have been living a lie my whole life. What are you going to tell me next? That cats don't have wing and that I have been practicing all these years for nothing?

BlueFlatts 20

How far will one wing take the cat? And what are you practicing for? These questions need answers.

graceinsheepwear 33

I will tell you that wings and lungs come in pairs.

threer 30

Your comment is a fail, as it is too long and the structure is annoying.. It's incomprehensible for me.

RedPillSucks 31

WTF? The comment is 2 sentences long? are you one of those people that respond with TL DR for a comment that says TL DR ???

NotGabe 28

Didn't know that applied to universities.

threer 30

Didn't know those in universities were children.

RedPillSucks 31

pedo bear only cares about a childs right behind.

Rddvl 11

It really confuses me how the students in universities are that dumb, but the competition gets harder every year.

The competition gets harder every year because the cost of going is higher. In my opinion, at least, what you're competing for are the grants.

PrinceKitsoon 7

The pig thing I understand being an FML moment, but I only just learned about sharks not having lungs by reading this. I don't thinks it is common knowledge, like how sea turtles can breath through their rear end.

Sharks are fish. Fish do not have lungs. They have gills. -.-

PrinceKitsoon 7

I probably learned this in elementary and I forgot the information. I never took my interest in fish any further than which edible fish is the tastiest. :")

I doubt you *just* learned about it. 'Sharks are fishes while whales/dolphins are mammals' is teached on every elementary school - I can even recall learning it three years in a row! It's supposed to be common knowledge, yet when I was fifteen, half of my class (teacher included) didn't know whether a shark was a fish or a mammal. Seems three years in a row isn't enough.

#55 it's too bad that your school didn't teach you grammar three years in a row as well. I'm pretty sure 'fishes' and 'teached' are not actual words...

I always assumed the gills led to an adaptation of the lungs... Maybe I should have considered taking the marine biology class after all.

#106 i thought that too, thought gills took the oxygen from the water for their lungs

thrAsHeRr9081 16

104 - English isn't her first language

Actually, fishes is correct. For a group of one kind of fish, so a school of minnows would be "fish." A group of two or more species is fishes.

punkyboy 11

what! pigs aren't aquatic animals that's why they kept on drowning when I put them in water.

graceinsheepwear 33

Well at least the sharks were too busy surfacing for air to eat the drowning baconfish.

threer 30

I'm pretty sure pigs, like dogs, can swim...

I failed out of college, and even I know that pigs are mammals and sharks are fish. I'm beginning to think that perhaps it was the university that failed me, rather than I who failed the university *Mind blown*

What's sad is that many college students fail to mature! And so even upperclassman can be immature and when professors meet them...... It sucks ass! Also sucks for students like me who are more mature than them!

What does maturity have to do with this?

cottoncandymango 17

You shouldn't have to explain anything to university students... It's already a lost cause.

well.... duh to A. but on B explain why they dont have lungs? i thought all animals had lungs of some sort....

They do have lungs of some sort. In this case they're called gills.

You're one of the slow ones op is talking about huh cal?