By lame-o-prof - 15/07/2013 21:14 - Canada - Edmonton

Today, I was marking exams. I then had to explain to many of the students that (a) pigs are not aquatic animals and (b) sharks do not have lungs. These are university students. FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 202
You deserved it 4 077

Same thing different taste

Top comments

friedpwnadge 25

Public schools are doing a fine job I see.

The "no child left behind" program at its finest!


LilFlutter 10

Yeah, but it wasn't bacon breath!

I can understand how some might not understand that Sharks don't have lungs. Some people are more dense than others. However, having to explain that pigs aren't aquatic animals is ridiculous.

threer 30

Yeah, some people are definitely more dense that others... Apparently, some don't even know that 'sharks' shouldn't be capitalized.

Apparently you aren't familiar with technology. Every once in a while electronics do things you don't intend for them to do. I'm guessing you've gotten shifty comments, such as yours, for similar reasons and just felt the need to pay it forward.

graceinsheepwear 33

63, you are a bit of a downer. Next time try commenting after your morning enema, not before.

That's fine, As long as they know how to reproduce, Generation goes on...

RedPillSucks 31

but do we really want them to?

Epikouros 31

Maybe this just shows that college students are alcoholic animals. Pigs are good swimmers, btw. The fat helps us float. For centuries, Europeans thought that we would cut our own throats when swimming. At least people are not that stupid anymore.

I don't really see how one would believe that pigs are by nature, aquatic animals, but one could think that since they occasionally swim, they could be considered somehow aquatic. My point here is that the phrasing of the question may change the answers you get. And I mean if you ask "Are pigs aquatic animals ?" Who's smarter, the one that says "Of course no !" or the one that says "Well they could be considering this and that.., but here's why they aren't..." ? I don't really have an explanation for the shark issue though...

RedPillSucks 31

You could say that about almost all mammals that live anywhere near water. At some point they may end up in water, like the aquatic giraffe or the aquatic tiger.

You have a bunch of geniuses this year OP!

chagooch11 1

Actually sharks do have a modified form of lungs so technically they are right.

DorkAlert 10

Gills aren't a modified form of lungs. If you believe in a creator they were designed as gills specific for water. If u believe that fish came before land animals then lungs have evolved from gills. So lungs would be a modified form of gills not the other way around.

Hey, you're right. I never thought of it that way. thanks for teaching me something, bro!

Some fish do have a single "lung" called a labyrinth organ. This allows them to survive temporarily if they accidentally jump onto land. I don't think sharks have it though.

TheHeavyOne 15