By HunniBeeHuni - 17/11/2009 05:25 - United States

Today, I was leaving the train station when a man came up to me and asked me if I have an unlimited metrocard to swipe him in. I did have an unlimited card so I told him sure. While taking out my metrocard from my wallet, he grabbed my wallet and ran away as fast as he could. FML
I agree, your life sucks 18 353
You deserved it 27 956

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Kick off those heels and run the bastard down! Then take one of those heels and put it where the sun don't shine. Sad this as it's arseholes like that abusing peoples good nature that makes people distrust the rest of the world.

Well, you know what they say: no good deed goes unpunished. Especially when it also happens to be against the law!


Kick off those heels and run the bastard down! Then take one of those heels and put it where the sun don't shine. Sad this as it's arseholes like that abusing peoples good nature that makes people distrust the rest of the world.

Exactly... Also could have yelled and ran and people would notice that something was happening and helped... I saw a mugger running once with a woman behind and I ran into him! He dropped the stuff and kept running...

i_is_a_tr00l 0

Good thing you didn't break your heels running after him. That would have been a tragity. Those sure are nice shoes.

Lesson learned. You must have some pretty slow reflexes. A little bit of FYL, but a lot more of YDI.

You're an idiot. No one deserves getting mugged.

shadexilmaendu 4

Apparently over 15000 people think somebody does deserve it.

I would have shot him, but i have a ccw permit and do not live in the liberal armpit of the nation.

fragmite 1

you shorted someone else money by swiping someone through that was supposed to pay,poor mugged thief.

star_ver 0

LRN2Read... SELLING someone a MetroCard swipe is illegal, not swiping someone onto the subway. What a moron.

go_rangers 0

Add this to the list of reasons why giving someone a Metrocard swipe is illegal. Not enough signs about that in the subway for you?

star_ver 0

**** you FML, I clicked to reply to #9. But anyway... Seriously dude, LRN2Read... SELLING someone a MetroCard swipe is illegal, not swiping someone onto the subway. What a moron.

If this was the NYC system, you can't swipe someone in with an unlimited rides card, only with a dollar-value card.

Of course you can, just not at the same time as you. There's about a 15 minute wait before you can use it again.

smh... this is one of the many reasons you cant trust anyone or anything anymore. sad but ohh sooo truee

This douche bag needs a beating because he stole by taking advantage of someones kindness. But still who knows, he might have really needed money and had 4 mouths to feed and there was no one else to help him.

Well, you know what they say: no good deed goes unpunished. Especially when it also happens to be against the law!