By doctorchick - 12/08/2009 00:58 - United States

Today, I was late for a medical school seminar and test. An SUV flipped over on the highway right in front of me. I held pressure to gushing, lacerated artery until EMS arrived. He lived, but I might have to repeat the whole year because I missed a big test. The test? Emergency response medicine. FML
I agree, your life sucks 69 299
You deserved it 3 055

Top comments

I am sorry it ended up screwing you over but what you did was so cool. Think about how many lives you helped by saving that one person. Who knows how many people would have been devastated if that person died. Parents, siblings, SO, children, friends, etc... lives would have been forever changed if you hadn't been a hero today. I'm proud of you.


Deathlyranch 0

FYL dude. But when you look back at this when you are 80, which would you choose? You made the right choice.

I'm sorry you honestly think this is an FML, you saved a man's life. Yes, you may have to retake the entire year, which I HIGHLY doubt, (because most schools allow you to take the test if you have a very liable reason as to why you couldn't take it the first time) but you should be happy that you saved someone rather than just leave him there to die. And I know people who have missed their Med School exams because of very good reasons but were able to take it the next day. So, you shouldn't really be saying FYL when you just saved a guy from dying. Just saying...

this fml sounds rly similar i think its been posted before

YDI for being late. if you were on time, this whole thing might've never happened.

The world doesn't revolve around him, so ... no.

Yeah a long time ago. There's been like 3 or 4 "I missed an important test but saved a person's life" FMLs. How many are true? We'll never know.

calicokitea 0

Yep, it's been posted before. This is a repeat.

yeah that's a good idea, and after the school hears what you did they might give you a pass

Fmyspam 0

Well, if there's ~7 billion people in the world, then there's probably a good chance that this has happened more than once.

randomburger 7

Well then the guy would have died you asshat

Where does it say he was late? Most people I know don't leave early enough to have a cushion of time just on the off chance that they get into a car accident and/or have to save someone's life.

fyl4sure 0

Aw. Dude. That really sucks. FYL Maybe your profesor will understand?

OP could show up with bloody hands. Maybe then they'll believe her.

It's illegal to leave the site of an accident (in the UK) so you would have had no choice but to stay here!

=/ Hope it works out and good for you for not being a jerk and leaving a person in need.

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if you hit the 'random' button they show up again retard.

elara15 0

I had a friend who repeated a class after missing an exam when her mother tried to commit suicide. Since it wasn't a death and didn't involve personal health, she wasn't given an exception because the college couldn't go around giving students special treatment, all that nonsense. Colleges can be bastards. Hopefully your particular institution of learning takes your new field experience into consideration. Or the guy rewards you handsomely for saving his life.

I hope that everything works out for you. You did a selfless thing for that person, hopefully the universe pays you back in kind.

simplyn2deep 2

major suckage! would a note from the EMS or police help?

americayay 0

It sucks, but it was still an important test. Understandable that you have to take it, despite the circumstances. It's not like they can replace the test score with that story.

are you saying he should have let the person die on that highway to run and take the test? maybe there's a reason he's in school to become a doctor and you're not...

No he's saying that she should still have to take the test even though she saved the drivers life. The test can't be replaced with that story. And OP yeah it sucks but at least you saved someone's life and got some hands on experience

sexymessy 0

The OP wasn't trying to get out of the test,She missed it,and might not be able to make it up.