By nakcba - 15/02/2011 10:21

Today, I was in my car and stopped at a red light. A homeless woman then started to throw rocks at my car for no apparent reason. I drive a convertible. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 678
You deserved it 4 972

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Shouldve ran the bitch over, if it was possible.

JocelynKaulitz 28

That last sentence may be the reason.


Shouldve ran the bitch over, if it was possible.

or at least throw a rock back. nail that bitch in the face.

Miss_Kammy 3

Lol OP ur an idiot she is pissed because ur ass is in a convertible and she is living off of pennies.

Why would you wanna get shit on your nice car?

Pick up the rocks and throw them back at her!

nowIshallrise 0

Convert your car! Convert it now! xD

FreshSalad 1

Girls don't know how to throw. I'm pretty sure you were fine.

JocelynKaulitz 28

That last sentence may be the reason.

sparklestar69 1

Woah, you're beautiful, and have the mouth of a trucker. I think I'm in love.

none_for_me 5

sparkelstar69 Are you seriously setting on the toilet resting your arm on the tp holder taking your pic? lol. That is an original profile pic there. : )

sparklestar69 1
mintcar 9

Shes doing it all wrong. You're supposed to ask for money then throw rocks.

exactly. First of all, beg. If you got lucky and someone gave you money, then you can be angry and throw rocks. Baby steps