Suffer little chives

By Anonymous - 31/12/2020 23:01 - Germany - Zittau

Today, I found out where the puddle in the basement came from. I thought the freezer was broken, but no. My mom is running what can only be called a death camp for vegetables in there. She buys them, then forgets about them until they turn liquid. FML
I agree, your life sucks 989
You deserved it 71

Same thing different taste

New lifeform just dropped

By Anonymous - 24/11/2023 20:00 - Canada

Today, while clearing out my kitchen, I discovered a Tupperware container that'd been forgotten for so long it'd developed its own ecosystem. When I opened it, a funky smell engulfed the kitchen, and I realized I had unintentionally created a new form of life. I promptly closed the container, then put it in the freezer in the hope of killing whatever it is. FML
I agree, your life sucks 94
You deserved it 575

Top comments

Sara Niemantsverdriet 12

And noone could smell it before that happened? Rotten vegetables smell TERRIBLE, especially if they're at the point of liquefying

diraven 15

How did the vegetables rot if the freezer wasn't broken?


Sara Niemantsverdriet 12

And noone could smell it before that happened? Rotten vegetables smell TERRIBLE, especially if they're at the point of liquefying

diraven 15

How did the vegetables rot if the freezer wasn't broken?

Yummi_913 18

My mother in-law did this with an entire turkey. The puddle was huge and the smell... I don't even know how to describe it. Best part? She left it there 4 years before I moved in and the entire family knew what state it was in but decided not to do anything about it. It was next to the washer and dryer in the basement and sometimes they would drop things in the sticky dried-on puddle-remains and just pick it up and put it back in with the CLEAN laundry. At some point I went bitch-mode and forced them to wheel that entire fridge out the damn house. It still resides in the middle of the back patio, strapped to the dolly and it has been 2 years since then. So glad to be out of there!