By Uncircumcised Penis - 24/07/2012 09:51 - Canada - Richmond

Today, I was in line at the pharmacy when the man in front of me asked if I wanted to see a picture of a turd that looked like an uncircumcised penis. Before I had time to answer, he showed me a picture of a turd that looked like an uncircumcised penis. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 609
You deserved it 2 462

Same thing different taste

Top comments

WTF? So this guy just carries a picture of a turd everywhere he goes?

perdix 29

Would you have preferred that he showed you his uncircumcised penis that looks like a turd?


hateevryone 14

Who takes a picture of their dump?

rcgirl2 11

Lately, these FMLs always take place in Canada.

Wait, what? God the Grammar is giving you cancer? I didn't know God was a grammar.

condango 0

Classic (Zach Gilifinackis voice)

ItsKennyBaby 9

sounds like a shitty situation

Should have said it looked more like his face, sick bastard

Hey hey haters... Canada isn't more like that than the US, actually, it so seldom happens that it's worthy of being on FML... Now the reason why we don't see Americans writing such FML's might be because it's such a regular occurrence. OP on behalf of all not-******-up Canadians, I'm sorry for some people's blunt stupidity... Btw I know it doesn't happen in the us but it's the same as saying it always happens in Canada; it reflects people's ignorance. No offence to all not-******-up Americans out there.

Jewbenita 0

That is so gross! I feel bad for you OP