Long term cringe

By Anonymous - 27/10/2023 08:00

Today, I realized that the reason why my classmates from second grade may have thought of me so poorly was that I stupidly told all of them that I was a bedwetter and needed to wear pull-ups during the night. I feel like a fool now. FML
I agree, your life sucks 306
You deserved it 206

Same thing different taste

Top comments

There is no “way back machine”. You cannot change the past. I assume that was long ago for you. It’s time to move past that. Learn from the past not to repeat previous mistakes… I get it, sometimes our brains beat us up over stupid things we did in the past. I still beat myself up over racing a train in high school, getting stuck on the track temporarily and maybe nearly dying young! But I have learned that it’s my way of teaching myself not to do pointlessly dangerous stuff. It’s just one of those things that make us human.

do you even know anyone from second grade still? I get that it sucks but you definitely should just move on. we all did embarrassing stuff when we were young and weird


There is no “way back machine”. You cannot change the past. I assume that was long ago for you. It’s time to move past that. Learn from the past not to repeat previous mistakes… I get it, sometimes our brains beat us up over stupid things we did in the past. I still beat myself up over racing a train in high school, getting stuck on the track temporarily and maybe nearly dying young! But I have learned that it’s my way of teaching myself not to do pointlessly dangerous stuff. It’s just one of those things that make us human.

do you even know anyone from second grade still? I get that it sucks but you definitely should just move on. we all did embarrassing stuff when we were young and weird

reetuuw 3

Bedwetting is a sign of childhood trauma

People recover even from worse things. Like their naked photos sent out of revenge to entire school. If that second grade is long time forgotten, let's just accept that oversharing sometimes kicks back and that be a lesson. If the people in question still poison your life, maybe it's time to just change the school.