By youjustsuck - 25/07/2011 18:07 - United States

Today, I was home alone, and enjoying my freedom decided to walk around naked blaring my radio. What my mother forgot to tell me before she left was that a guy was coming to fix our dish washer today. Imagine our mutual surprise as I danced around the kitchen while getting a drink. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 258
You deserved it 12 775

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Sounds like the begining of a pornfilm

KVKdragon 26

that's the first thing you do when you get the urge to be free of clothing: check if anyone's there. pretty obvious. even if you think no one is home, always check


darkkai 0
PurpleFrostingg 7

ha. I'm sure he'll be coming back

Great porno idea but how did he get in ur house or did ur mom let him in b4 u left

f-f-f-**** you God, I hate people who do that.

legonut6 0

YDI for being a huge ******.

DisappearingRose 18

when your done having sex with him pay in trident gum

TahoeFMler 22

If it's not YOUR house that YOU own/rent, then keep your clothes on in common areas! And if you're young enough to live with your parents then that drink you wanted to make better be virgin! I'm going to leave implausibilities with the plumber in the house and "she didn't know" alone....