By happyharriet - 16/04/2009 02:32 - United States

Today, I was having a panic attack so I called my parents. My brother answered to say my parents couldn't come to the phone because they were watching 24. Its ten o'clock and 24 is not on now. They were watching 24 on TiVo and couldn't pause it to come to the phone. FML
I agree, your life sucks 56 750
You deserved it 5 383

Same thing different taste

Top comments

sammyg 0

i think Jack needs their support more then you, he is constantly in danger of death.

don't mess with anyone when its bauer hour


lightnin2011 0

YDI - it was 24. quit being selfish. The safety of the United States was at stake.

56... I hope that you mean The Secret Life of the American Teenager is an amazing show in the sense that it's hilariously awful and corny. If so, then I agree - my best friend and I have an awesome drinking game devoted to it. If you actually just think it's great television... oh honey no.

You should have told your brother "DAMMIT! PUT THEM ON THE PHONE!"

ohhhhshizzz 0

#64: Once again, I don't think that its awful and corny. I'm freaking fourteen; have yet to go through all of that yet. So no it isn't corny to me. That is why I watch it.

Miss_Tyff 0

Yeah, that is pretty shitty, but did you actually explain to your brother that you were having a panic attack??

it's not the fact that your parents were watching TiVo and was too busy to come to the phone that makes your life ******. it's the fact that they are watching 24 -.-"

…and with all this said, with parents like that no wonder you are having panic attacks.

52, obviously everyone you know who has panic attacks is nervous. That doesn't mean its their fault or that panic attacks aren't real. Yes, things could be worse. But you should be thankful that you're lucky enough to be as ignorant as you are and never have to go through something like a panic attack. 13, 15, 28, 42, 43, 46 and 53, go jump in front of a truck. Actually, 52 can go too.

goober33 0

well you at least know that your parents don't love you