By good_job_john - 20/07/2009 15:43 - United States

Today, I was going to propose to my girlfriend on my boat at the lake. As we were looking at the mountains all around us, she playfully pushed me off the side into the water. As I got back on the boat, I realized that not only was my cellphone dead, but the ring had fallen into the deep water. FML
I agree, your life sucks 80 399
You deserved it 4 293

Same thing different taste

Top comments

samantha246 0
RaspberryBerret 0

thats horrible =( i'd be so pissed if i were you, that ring was prolly expensive >>


well try keeping a ring in a place it won't fall out. as for the cell phone thing never put a cell phone in you're pocket on a boat.

netbeui435 3
gayette_fml 4

it will be a great story to laugh about for many years together :-)

man why do ppl put u deserved it it's not like it was his fault but I'm not saying it was your girlfriends fault

search and recovery is a simple thing any dive shop bear the lake can get it back for you easy, look around you would be surprised how easy and affordable it will be to find a shop that will get it for you.

Ilikethenamesam 3

One lucky fish is SO gonna get a lady-fish

JBsGirlee 7

awwww thats so sad but i think if she really wants to marry u she will ring or no ring

dang, that sucks.... **** your life.

missbadluk 0