Happy Birthday

By Anonymous - 24/05/2021 08:01 - South Africa - Johannesburg

Today, it's my birthday. My boss's birthday is 5 days away. Instead of wishing me happy birthday, the staff decided to surprise my boss with an early gift. We also had to take a picture of him with everyone. I work at another branch alone, and had to post the picture to social media. Happy Birthday to me, I guess. FML
I agree, your life sucks 906
You deserved it 98

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you. Happy Birthday, dear Anonymous, Happy Birthday to you!

I am very confused, you work at another branch alone but expected staff (presumably at another branch) to wish you a happy birthday? Why did you have to post the picture of him to your social media? Why did you have the picture if you weren't there?


I am very confused, you work at another branch alone but expected staff (presumably at another branch) to wish you a happy birthday? Why did you have to post the picture of him to your social media? Why did you have the picture if you weren't there?

Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you. Happy Birthday, dear Anonymous, Happy Birthday to you!

bleachedraven 14

I wouldn't worry about it. Go celebrate. I'd care way more about being with friends & family vs having the boss remember your birthday.