By Anonymous - 21/12/2014 08:51 - Australia - Elwood

Today, I noticed that even though I got all my Christmas shopping done a month earlier than usual, I forgot to put anything in the mail. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 363
You deserved it 8 308

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Hey, ship it anyways. It is always way better late than never. Sucks for you and the line that will be at the post office or ups/fedex place. It really is the season for giving. You will be okay, op.

Just shut yourself in for Christmas and keep everything for yourself at this point.


Just shut yourself in for Christmas and keep everything for yourself at this point.

Or he/she could fake her death and move to Saudi Arabia?

You can hide from family and friends but you can't hide from the ghost of Christmas lol

Someone's modernized A Christmas Carol. The ghost of Christmas rofl, the ghost of Christmas present, the ghost of Christmas lol. The only reason the middle one doesn't change is cuz I still want Christmas presents, dammit!

jazmin3012 28

Express shipping? I'm so sorry op that really sucks.

Hey, ship it anyways. It is always way better late than never. Sucks for you and the line that will be at the post office or ups/fedex place. It really is the season for giving. You will be okay, op.

Ship it anyway, it will be better because they will think they are done getting presents and BAM they get yours and get all happy and love you forever!

My thoughts exactly. I love late presents. Feels like a second Christmas.

is that anything like second breakfast?

happysmile987 24

Look on the bright side, more presents for you OP.

Better late than never. I know I'd rather get a present late than not

So what if its late, its the thought that counts and presents are always welcome

It is really not that bad. There's still a few days left until Christmas; ship them anyways.

I sure need a followup on this but only on the YDI count...