By Leo_RxXx - 26/05/2009 12:18 - United States

Today, I was getting off of work, talking to my boss, and I asked if I could get a ride home, since my usual ride was too lazy to come get me. He said, sure, but to be really careful since he'd just had his car detailed. I was getting in the car, tripped, and threw my hot cocoa all inside of his car. FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 149
You deserved it 21 563

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Why the hell would you take hot cocoa into a car after you were specifically asked to watch out not to spill anything. So many things could happen that would make you spill it. YDI.

It probably wasn't wise to bring hot cocoa into a car...


oooh, that sucks. guess you wont be getting a promotion. did you still get the ride home? maybe more of a FHL though?

lalalalaura 0
waxstigmata 0

did he still take you home?

MooKee 0

hah I guess you guys wont carpool frequently?

haha wow that sucks. did he end up taking you home???

Why the hell would you take hot cocoa into a car after you were specifically asked to watch out not to spill anything. So many things could happen that would make you spill it. YDI.

It probably wasn't wise to bring hot cocoa into a car...

Looks like someone will be doing some overtime to get that re-detailed.

sunshiiiineXD 0

Well, he did tell you to be careful. You obviously didn't listen. Lol, jk :D. This is something I would do. That really sucks. Are you sure you should even show up for work tomorrow?

ha, it was a FML but u should be more carful