By Bawo - 02/06/2009 01:20 - United States

Today, I was getting it on with my cute guy friend in his candlelit bedroom and we had just started tearing each other's clothes off. I decided to be coy and sexy and flip my hair to the side. As I did so, my long hair caught in the flames of his lit candles and caught half of my head on fire. FML
I agree, your life sucks 61 060
You deserved it 33 971

Same thing different taste

Top comments

lol we just found the plotline for Twoface: Origins


Dude, who's voting YDI on this? that's just not ******* funny. Even if you should have been more careful, FYL anyway. :(

mehwhateverr 0

#3, I DON'T WANT TO BE PART OF YOUR CROWD. i assume you're referring to that guy from american idol.

That's hot. Seriously though, ydi.

YDI because you said "getting it on".

You should call Steve Albini; I hear he's into that sort of thing.

there's something about this post that smacks of some young blonde teenage thing. it's pretty sucky, but at least you had somebody sweet enough to set up a whole bunch of candles like that.

Hairspray would be what would make her hair burn so quickly. Unless she just had extremely flammable hair or is a complete idiot. (:

This usually happens only with fat girls, physics or some shite.

I've always thought that flinging your hair looked like a particularly "blonde" thing, and now I know why. If you want to look "seductive", you might stick with waggling your eyebrows until you feel confident enough to advance to the smoother moves.