By dearme - 02/06/2009 01:53 - United States

Today, I was at the extremely crowded gym when someone came up behind me and shouted in my ear scaring the living shit out of me. I jump into a karate pose in front of everyone. No one was behind me. It was a new song starting on my headphones. A trainer asked me if I needed an ambulance. FML
I agree, your life sucks 428
You deserved it 115

Top comments

SweetestSin 4

LMFAO I saw it all going down in my head as I read it I literally LOL'd thanks for making my night

Triccmo 0

That sounds like something I would do! Although, I'm really jumpy. LOL.


Triccmo 0

That sounds like something I would do! Although, I'm really jumpy. LOL.

lovemyE8 0

oh, me too. I really can't stop laughing at this. Whew, whew, whew . . . . Holy cats, that's funny. Wiping my tears . . . .

RachelTheLoser 0

hahahahaha!!!! xD that's too funny.. this is an fml x3

ViRepz 28

At least OP didn't fall of the treadmill.

SweetestSin 4

LMFAO I saw it all going down in my head as I read it I literally LOL'd thanks for making my night


LMAO.. what song is this!!?

Rokstarr 0

I'm guessing it's you give love a bad name it starts really suddenly and loudly

I don't know... but this is my new FRIGGIN' FAVORITE!!! xD

Hey, atleast you know you have fast reflexes. And, uh, maybe get a new gym membership elsewhere?

Well done grasshopper, you have the reflexes and bravery of a cat.

Dont feel bad! I have spaz moments as well

How do you not know that it's a song you have, why were your headphones on so loud, and did you forget you were wearing headphones between one song ending and the next one beginning?

Maybe it was on shuffle, the song she was listening to before was a quiet song so she got used to the low volume, and the song that came on started loudly and abruptly.

dude just shut the **** Iona laugh about somthing for once you depresed bastord