By computerdude - 02/06/2009 00:44 - United States

Today, I was driving home, talking to my dad on the phone about losing my job. A man kept honking at me, I remarked to my dad how some people on the road are just assholes for no reason. I later realized I had left my laptop on my roof, and it flew onto the freeway. The man was signaling me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 258
You deserved it 66 910

computerdude tells us more.

to everyone ranting about the phone: its called bluetooth. to everyone not understanding how laptop got on roof: i was carrying a bunch of stuff and set laptop on the roof to open car door. i had just been reamed out by my office manager and head partners in a humiliating way and was distraught. i set it down the right way (on its rubber feet) so make a mental note for the next part. to everyone claiming the laptop could not / should not have made it to the freeway, and / or flown off: i work close to the freeway, and was amazed myself. I later re-drove the route and found the laptop on the side of teh freeway about 2 miles from where i had originally gotten on. from the damage to it, it looked like it must have caught the wind when i got up to speed and then slid down off to the side of the freeway.

Top comments

how the **** do you leave your laptop on the roof of your car... oh but sorry you lost your job :(

How do u even manage to do that. It's like throwing $1000 out the door.


how the **** do you leave your laptop on the roof of your car... oh but sorry you lost your job :(

Pickle_McHale 0

How could you be sorry? YDI. I almost agreed with you but then I realized he was from CA. Where it is illegal to drive while talking on your phone.

this was posted in august 2009... they made the law in October 2009 it's 4 months off. but still does op not care about the safety of others?

o wait that was in Canada so I wouldn't know about the law in California. my mistake. I shouldve payed more attention.

@158 August and October are actually just 2 months away from each other..

I'm sorry about your crappy crappy day.

laughinboy 0

U sir/mam are a complete IDIOT!!!

SweetestSin 4

How do u even manage to do that. It's like throwing $1000 out the door.

i would say its more like giving away a laptop.....and feeling sad.......yea im not good at this XD may skittles lead you to the lucky charms! and maybe even let you find your honey......cone CHEERIOS! ^.^9 HELLO THIS IS THE QUEEN OF YO SKITTLES I WOULD LIKE TO SAY HAAAY HOOO TOMATO! XD

wow that sucks, but if it flew onto the freeway... I don't know how much luck you would've had getting it back in working condition o_o

snowboarder72992 0

either way, if your laptop fell on to the freeway, its gonna break.