By Bawo - 02/06/2009 01:20 - United States

Today, I was getting it on with my cute guy friend in his candlelit bedroom and we had just started tearing each other's clothes off. I decided to be coy and sexy and flip my hair to the side. As I did so, my long hair caught in the flames of his lit candles and caught half of my head on fire. FML
I agree, your life sucks 61 060
You deserved it 33 971

Same thing different taste

Top comments

lol we just found the plotline for Twoface: Origins


terrta_merrta 0

you can bet on anything that it was a very very hot moment

erroneousx2 0

HAHAHAH me and my mom were just talking about something like this happening on her wedding day. But, that sucks.

kezzstar 0

Umm, oops? Hope your head is okay.

I dont think anyone deserves that, shit happens, whats wrong with her trying to be seductive? Sorry about your head and hope your okay. :/

rmujerita 0
chelsiedee 0

Sooooo at least you had "hot" sex...