By drewig - 10/05/2010 05:28 - United States

Today, I was driving home from work when I was pulled over by a cop. She asked why I was being pulled over and figuring she knew I said, "For swerving because of my alcohol problem." I had a broken tail light. FML
I agree, your life sucks 8 149
You deserved it 53 573

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You so deserve it for driving while you KNOW you're drunk enough to swerve.

Don't drink and drive; you might spill the drink.


Thanks for endangering the lives of the rest of us. Jerk. I hope you're convicted and have to pay tons of money in fines and have to go to boring classes where they make you watch gory films of road accidents.

aoife123 0

what does the fact that the officer was female have to do with the FML? also OP, you're a selfish moron for drunk driving. you totally deserved it.

Why did does it matter if the cop was female.. sexist.

ibanez370 0

i agree with quest ... drinking and driving make me sick. you could kill someone!! YDI ya dumbass i hope u get arrested.

omegaxen 0

you need to see a film called "busted" it's an educational movie on what your rights are when a cop is talkin to you and how to avoid trouble even if you're doin something illegal

When a cop asks you if you know why you were pulled over, say no. YDI for that, and also for not inspecting your tail light beforehand.