By drewig - 10/05/2010 05:28 - United States

Today, I was driving home from work when I was pulled over by a cop. She asked why I was being pulled over and figuring she knew I said, "For swerving because of my alcohol problem." I had a broken tail light. FML
I agree, your life sucks 8 149
You deserved it 53 573

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You so deserve it for driving while you KNOW you're drunk enough to swerve.

Don't drink and drive; you might spill the drink.


BWAHAHAHA!! I like to call it being an alcohol connoisseur... :D

notsofriendly 17

neverrrrrrr say why. even if you're 100% sure. it's an admission of guilt. though still ydi op, get your drunk ass off the road

WOW. You're not too ******* bright, are you? YDI for driving drunk. It's assholes like you who kill innocent people in horrific car accidents because you didn't think it was a big deal for driving under the influence. I hope you got your license taken away from you and you had to spend a few nights in jail with a big dude named Bubba who thought you had a pretty mouth.

jakefml33 0

You have the right to not answer any question that would self-incriminate. Use it.

stewpididiot 11

Ohhh! PWNED by Dickless Tracy. MORON!!

You were drunk driving? There are a lot of good people dead because if idiots like you.

erika_lynnex 1

why would the fact that she was female make any difference?

DGAFprincess 0

what a dick... idc if you put yourself in danger but there are other people on the road! be responsible!!!