By Anonymous - 29/09/2009 06:47 - United States

Today, I was drinking in the park with my friends. Being drunk, I relieved myself on a nearby tree. Unknown to me, a 4 year old was having her birthday party 100 yards away. I was arrested for public intoxication and exposing myself to a minor. FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 926
You deserved it 73 764

Same thing different taste


manmoosewaffel 0

Ha this is funny and that sucks for you, but what are you doing drunk at the park durin the day? and how do you not notice a party goin on that close? You Texans are just born with mild retardation i guess, explains GWB :) Texas is so religious right and conservative it makes me wanna hurl and im a catholic. YDI bud, welcome to the list and have fun wit megans law. i feel bad for you cuz you meant no harm but you seem really dumb

HowIMetYourUncle 0

Everyone should stop thinking Texas is filled with rednecks that ride horses for a living, get drunk on a daily basis, and talk in country accents... I'm an Indian living in Houston and I simply can't pull that off -.- so QUIT IT PLEASE :( Epic fail btw :)

why the **** were you drinking in a park in the middle of the day

Completely your fault on every level. Grow up.

Dude you deserve it, your such a MORON. First of all you should'nt be getting drunk in public. Second you shouldnt be peeing in public. DUMBASS!!!!!!!!!!!!!

sucks do you have to tell your neighbors that your a sex offender now? lol

shitakii 0

And now you have to register as a sex offender, ydi cause you prolly did it intentionaly knowing that there was a 4 year olds birthday party. LAME-ASS SEXO!