
By angela - 09/04/2020 23:00

Today, I went to a party. Although I wasn't drinking, I was still afraid the cops would bust me. Halfway through the party, the cops showed up. I tried to hop a fence, ripping my pants and cutting my leg in the meantime. It wasn't until was on the ground that I found out there was a gate. FML
I agree, your life sucks 468
You deserved it 2 107

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Wobba1470 11
malicemassacre 18

This is why the virus is still spreading and people are getting sick. Ydi. Stay home people.


bloopaloop 27
Wobba1470 11
malicemassacre 18

This is why the virus is still spreading and people are getting sick. Ydi. Stay home people.