By what the actual fuck - 11/08/2012 16:38 - United States - Puyallup

Today, I was debating with my now ex-boyfriend over the ethics of using torture in interrogations of suspected criminals. It took just ten minutes before he freely admitted that he'd have no problem "torturing the shit" out of me if he even suspected I was seeing another man. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 903
You deserved it 4 064

Same thing different taste

Top comments


He loved you? Just kidding, you should change your name and move far, far away, 'cause that's just crazy.

ladybuggirl1234 3

At least you know now and not later....

jem970 19
darthzerg 7
thekmjenks 0

Are you sure he hasn't been reading "Fifty Shades of Grey" without you knowing?

XxXkyttiXxX 11

I told my boyfriend the same thing, without the "suspected” part.

what a is a factor and now it looks like he never had it for you...and now it looks like not a healthy relationship run or leave...

I'd "torture the shit out of you" just for kinky role play. FYL

Well I guess you're not too sorry that his not your boyfriend any more... :)