By Anonymous - 08/04/2017 12:00

Today, I was cleaning the litter box and found a large clump. I later found my 3-year-old peeing there instead of in the toilet. FML
I agree, your life sucks 4 750
You deserved it 604

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Hopefully he doesn't also stand in the box and use his feet to cover it. It's time to teach him to pee in the yard like a real man.


oniontom 2

Indeed savage.your kid very cute!lmao

Hopefully he doesn't also stand in the box and use his feet to cover it. It's time to teach him to pee in the yard like a real man.

That's what you get for outsourcing potty-training to your cat.

I laugh because I all so raised a son who did things like this.

species4872 19

It was only a piddling amount.

Arokthis 21

Just remember that it could be MUCH worse: he could be peeing on the carpet, your bed, the couch, etc. At least this is easy to clean!

Arokthis 21

Just remember that it could be MUCH worse: he could be peeing on the carpet, your bed, the couch, etc. At least this is easy to clean!

indienerdgirl 27

I'd rather him pee in the litter box than in the closet or something lol

Tartara 15 least it's easy to clean up? Could be much worse!