Fitness guru
By Anonymous - 13/04/2016 16:41 - United States
By Anonymous - 13/04/2016 16:41 - United States
By Anonymous - 05/01/2010 20:16 - United States
By Out of Shape - This FML is from back in 2011 but it's good stuff - Egypt
By Anonymous - 05/07/2013 16:13 - Netherlands
By Anonymous - 15/01/2025 00:00 - United States - Gary
By Anonymous - 17/03/2013 19:09 - France - Minzier
By Anonymous - 20/08/2023 12:00 - Australia
By Anonymous - 18/01/2015 16:34 - Ireland
By Middle Age Divorced Dad - 22/11/2023 18:02 - Canada
By hbt51 - 17/08/2015 19:56 - United States - Blue Ridge
By Anonymous - 16/02/2012 03:59 - United States
15 minutes is longer than I lasted the last time I tried going for a run. I didn't even make it to the end of the block before my ACL was like "lol nope."
Oh god your poor thing ?
"Nah fam. Not today. Or any day for that matter. Go home and eat more pizza."
15 minutes is not bad! If your grandfather run regularly and you decided on the spur of the moment to join him then this sounds like the logical outcome. I get into running in the summers and then fall out of the habit in the winters and it's amazing how quickly I fall back to barely able to run for 10 minutes before eventually building back up. If you'd like to be able to run father I highly recommend the CouchTo5K program. But do it at your own pace! I repeated week 5 like three times before I felt comfortable moving on.
If you can't jog for more than fifteen minutes then you have some serious health issues. Jogging is a light run. Light running is not difficult. No where does it say OP has a reason they can't exercise, so I think it's safe to assume they're horribly out of shape.
Your grandpa is awesome! A body in motion stays in motion. Make sure to tell him to keep up the good work and start running everyday with him. After a while it will get easier and easier and you'll be in great shape too :)
Also, as someone who felt like their chest was going to implode after their first run, I'd like to add: You won't BELIEVE how little time it takes for running to get easier for you. The first two or three days suck, but if you pace yourself and keep fighting, it takes only a week or even less to comfortably run for at least half an hour - at least that's how it was for me!
I would not say that building up to 30 minutes in a week is the norm at all. The Couch To 5K program is designed to build people up to 30 minutes and it is a 9-week program.
it is. you gradually increase your time every day. 2 runs a day and it is easily accomplished. couch to 5k may be a program but its not the only one. to be honest 9 weeks is a bit excessive. staying in your comfort zone dosent get you anywhere fast.
What if you build in a week to be able to do HIIT for 30minutes in a session? 1 minute 5.5 km/h and 1 minute 7.5 km/h... continously interchanging... This equals a little over 3 km and it felt great finishing. I didnt run for over 7 to 9 months and when I tried running my first lap in a long time I was so suprised that I was out of breath for the first 200m. But Im building up again with around 8-9 hours of mostly aerobic excercises at the gym. :)
If you still want excercise, you can always find a job walking dogs or getting one yourself. Walking is easier and dogs are awesome if trained properly.
Stinks OP, time to hit the gym
why? all he has to do is keep at it and he'll be able to run longer each time.
wow! your grandfather is in better shape than most. maybe you could work out with him so you can build up stamina.
Probably a really good sign that you need to get in better shape..
What he didn't tell you is that after you left, he called a cab and had a wonderful time in the local bar.
Good for him! Obviously he's built up the stamina for that. Maybe stop comparing yourself to him and start working out more?
Your grandpa is awesome! A body in motion stays in motion. Make sure to tell him to keep up the good work and start running everyday with him. After a while it will get easier and easier and you'll be in great shape too :)
15 minutes is longer than I lasted the last time I tried going for a run. I didn't even make it to the end of the block before my ACL was like "lol nope."