By stonesober - 31/12/2009 01:32 - United Kingdom

Today, I found out that "going for a meal and going out clubbing" for New Year's means me cooking for my mates and driving them to the pub. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 746
You deserved it 3 574

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Pipistrello_fml 0
Lisimal 7

I say you put shit on their meal. As a way of expressing their shitty friendship. SPECIAL ingredient, oh yeah. Gigity!


FunnyWeasel 7

by being drunk, and by saying stuff they wouldn't say when they are sober

Lisimal 7

I say you put shit on their meal. As a way of expressing their shitty friendship. SPECIAL ingredient, oh yeah. Gigity!

Pipistrello_fml 0

Why would you cook for them if they treat you like shit?

...are u an idiot ? just say no i aint cooking and go at the restaurant ................ idiot -__- and drink at the club so u guys will have to take a taxi ..

SettoFail 9

You must be the pussy of your group who can't stand up for himself and not let his friends take advantage of him

namhowell 6
rosemary_fml 5

you deserve it for letting them do that to you.

Pinaymix 0

Well why would you even agree to that, your own fault.