By LittleSprout - 21/03/2017 04:00 - Australia - Melbourne

Today, I was buying veggies with my five-year-old. She saw some brussel sprouts and begged me to buy them. I thought there was no way she'd like them, but I do, so I got them. Later, she was sitting on the couch eating them raw like candy. I have a weird kid. FML
I agree, your life sucks 4 845
You deserved it 1 221

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Yikes, sorry your kid likes healthy food, OP! I don't know how some people manage to keep going in this crazy world. I can only hope she's not a fan of flossing and going to bed at a fixed time.

SchlomoTheGrinch 18

I can't click either "Your life sucks" nor "You deserved it". It's just funny and cute =)


Hey! At least they're eating a healthy snack!

Yikes, sorry your kid likes healthy food, OP! I don't know how some people manage to keep going in this crazy world. I can only hope she's not a fan of flossing and going to bed at a fixed time.

You have an awesome kid is what you have! Choosing and enjoying vegetables, instead of stuff like snack food, that's pretty lucky. Seriously, if she's not a picky eater, cherish it, my little sister was a nightmare for eating, still not the greatest even at 13.

SchlomoTheGrinch 18

I can't click either "Your life sucks" nor "You deserved it". It's just funny and cute =)

There should definitely be a third option, I agree!

Now I'm curious what they taste like raw. I do love them boiled.

sauteed with onions. they taste like raw cabbage. if you've eatten Cole slaw you have an idea.

Catlover1130 14

I think rather than saying FML you should be jumping for joy. Not a lot of kids like veggies. Hell, I'm 26 and I still don't like most veggies. As long as she's happy, then why are you complaining?

anniemeece 23
mariri9206 32

My thoughts exactly. like I'm thinking "be. . . thankful?" lol

My parents would kill for a kid like yours

This is my kid. This year at thanksgiving and christmas I had to bribe him, "if you eat all your turkey I'll give you more brussel sprouts." Weird little kids.