By Anonymous - 30/09/2009 15:39 - United States
Same thing different taste
Epipen time!
By Anonymous - 17/08/2010 17:06 - Canada
By nutsucker - 08/03/2009 19:08 - United States
My kids would never lie
By au. - 06/01/2022 05:01
By Sarah - 30/08/2012 12:58 - United States - Hampton Bays
By Unemployed - 02/06/2011 04:40 - United States
By Anonymous - 14/07/2010 06:14 - United States
By Kelly - 27/12/2009 04:44 - United States
By Lisaa918 - 10/06/2009 14:49 - United States
By foreveralone - 13/01/2014 01:00 - United States - Franklin Park
By Anonymous - 30/11/2013 16:09 - United States - Deer Park
Top comments
YDI. He said he didn't want any..
I say YDI for giving him something he didn't want, but also FYL cause your boss was too much of a dumbass to tell you his son is allergic to the chocolate.
Basically this. If you're babysitting, particularly as a favour with little experience, you expect the parents to be responsible enough to warn you of any medical conditions the children have. It's a total fail on behalf of the parents: what if the OP had given the child something containing chocolate, which was then eaten unknowingly? The outcome would have been exactly the same, and would be due to a simple lack of presence of mind.
no, it says the boy had never tried any
I have severe milk allergies that send me into anaphalactic (sp?) shock. I don't expect my parents to be taking care of me or following me around or telling me what to eat. They haven't because they never really bothered to understand it. From the time I was about 4 I knew the words Lactose, Milk, caseinate and casein and could read ingredients very well.
forgive me, im new to this site. what does YDI stand for?
YDI = you deserved it...and my nephew is severely allergic to everything, my whole family has allergies. My Brother and his wife tell everyone that he is allergic to this and that. They send him with letters telling the daycare what to do if he ingests milk, and peanuts. Glad they don't have those things in the house, or I would fail. But he knows what he doesn't eat, and knew from a very young age. Responsible parents would tell the babysitters that their kid was allergic to something. But then again, maybe they didn't know. But if that's the case, why has this kid never had chocolate before? Are they Vegan and scorn all dairy or animal products (ppl use milk in chocolate most times unless it's dark chocolate and milk comes from cows) But they would tell the OP *original poster* no dairy. Something's fishy here. Either highly negligent parents or babysitter who doesn't listen to parent's warnings...
obviously, the boss didn't know the kid was allergic to chocolate, alot of the time when you are allergic to a substance the idea of eating it puts you off even if you have never been exposed to it. (wich is probably why the kid didn't want any) so, this is nether OPs fault or the parents fault. this is just a bad situation. so, FYL OP
I don't think OP deserved it. The kid said "I don't want any" and OP simply said "you should try new things". She didn't put a gun to his head and force him to eat it. (This is coming from someone who ABHORS trying new things) If he had repeated that he didn't want it, that's a different story but apparently he didn't. And based on MY interpretation of this FML, it sounds like neither the kid nor the parents were aware of his allergy. And if the parents knew, shame on them for not alarming OP beforehand. So basically, OP was caught in a bad situation, so FYL.
If he'd never had any how would he know?
#6 it is actually boss' the OP is correct
I'm not sure about that, but since everyone is disagreeing, maybe I'll take your word for it.
^^^ name fail
Why would you force chocolate on a kid?
OP simply asked the kid to TRY a piece of chocolate. He didn't force the kid to do anything.
Mind you, the kid never had chocolate before. So he can't say he hates something he hasn't tried yet.
If a kid doesn't want chocolate, don't force him. Say, "Yay! More for me!"
whyyyyy is it whenever someone watches someone else's kids, they feel the need to pump them full of sugar so they're total maniacs and won't eat their meals when their parents come home? that shit drives me nuts.
Even though boss's is becoming the preferred form, lots of us learned that when words end in s, x, or z, that the possessive is formed by simply adding an apostrophe. We're dinosaurs, but we are not extinct yet.
My original comment disappeared. Oh well. But it's not the RIGHT form. Can't you go get buried in mud and silt like the rest of the fossils!? Kidding.
My daughter's allergic to peanut butter. We found out when she had some when she was 2. According to her she's never had any because she doesn't remember what happened when she was 2 [she's 5 now]. Also, if for some reason the kid had an allergy test/screening the allergy could have shown up, even if they never ate any. Just saying.....
Hmm, I was taught all throughout school "add 's regardless of the word for singular possessive". I also just read it on about 3 different educational websites. Maybe it's like "homophone"/"homonym". Some schools teach one, some teach the other.
Words ending in S and X simply get the apostrophe added onto the end of them, however in all other cases it is 's.
My mom always pisses me off when she tries to get me to eat something that I've never tried nor do I want to try. You ******* deserve it you idiot. The boss is partially to blame if he/she knew about the allergy and didn't tell you, but still, if someone doesn't want to try something, you don't forcefeed them you stupid twat.
This should be considered a form of abuse. It kind of was by force in my eyes, being that he didnt want any in the first place. Major YDI.
"i told him he should try new things" oh my god that's so abusive!!! seriously, didn't anyone teach you to take a "no thank you bite" when you were a kid?
"...the youngest said he had never had chocolate..." Learn to read, people. Unless the kid was lying, there's no way the OP could have known.
"never had.. and didn't want any"
He had to have had some before if he'd had an allergic reaction. Allergies don't manifest upon novel exposure.

I call bullshit. Your boss didn't tell you his kid was allergic to chocolate?
YDI. He said he didn't want any..