By Uh oh... - 19/03/2011 08:45 - United States

Today, my boyfriend of almost two years and I broke up. Earlier, we scheduled our classes for senior year to match perfectly. Can't wait. FML
I agree, your life sucks 21 351
You deserved it 39 461

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I had the same thing happen to me. Me and my boyfriend dated for three years, and we signed up for college classes together. Never again. You live and you learn.

1. I wouldn't match my shedule to my friends or bf, but to what I intend to do later....(probably better) 2. You could probably ask your teacher if you can still change it (sometimes it works, if classes havn't already started). 3. That's what you get for planning your life based on someone elses life


Bakachu 7

That'll be extremely awkward....

dirtyblond 4

listen to your counselor! she says NEVER to do such a thing-____- goodluck though!xP

so what, it didnt work. doesnt mean you have to hate them

justanotherk1d 0

She could just use this time to try and get him back, unless she hates him :/

#1 good, that's what she gets. Don't know why anyone would do that. Almost like tattooing your boyfriends name on you. YDI

I had the same thing happen to me. Me and my boyfriend dated for three years, and we signed up for college classes together. Never again. You live and you learn.

xdannyx117x 0

ditto I hate her now and see her everyday

shakethat 10

sorry op but you deserve it. is it really necessary to be around your bf 24/7? that would have creeped me out.

It's a teenage relationship, nobody understands that you can't plan that far ahead. It's unfortunate that only the outsiders see it.

talk about ackward! I have almost all my classes with not only one BUT 2 ex boyfriends! which I happen to sit between them in algebra ,they both whip out a pencil & put it over their dick and poke me..every ******* day!

sorry that was me, I sit right behind you and poke you with my real dick and then blame it on those two goofs

1. I wouldn't match my shedule to my friends or bf, but to what I intend to do later....(probably better) 2. You could probably ask your teacher if you can still change it (sometimes it works, if classes havn't already started). 3. That's what you get for planning your life based on someone elses life

Exactly 12, I can't believe all the idiots around me sacrifice taking important classes so they can be with their "friends". YDI OP.

it's high school, most classes don't matter at all... except for the extracurricular

shakethat 10

the classes might not matter but seriously make some new friends n get your own life. majority of your high school friends won't be around after graduation anyways.

LMFAO!!!!! hahahaha XD EDIT: This was a reply to #9