By holycow - 22/02/2010 09:28 - United States

Today, I was awakened, in the middle of the night, by the sound of crying coming from outside. There's a mile in between houses where I live. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 744
You deserved it 2 620

Same thing different taste

Top comments

mcicycool 0

that's just creepy.. I say gtfo of there

MoonyIce 0

It was likely just some animals having sex. When they're mating, a lot of animals - foxes especially - can sound rather horrifyingly like a human in distress.


Ajjas, have you been out in the woods again?

scrapytiger3 0

whoa. I really wanna know what happens next

People just never learn anything from horror movies. You're not supposed to live in the middle of nowhere, even small towns. If you have neighbors, they can hear your screams and call the cops. The sheriff is usually one of the first or last to die, that's why nameless big-city cops are better.

this isn't really an fml, it's pretty creepy though…

There have been attackers/murderers before who will prey on women (even though this was a man) by playing a recording of crying (usually of a baby) outside their window/door and when the woman comes out to investigate, they will attack or gain entry into the house.

aedeckert 0

question- people keep saying things like "OP should've..." what's OP?

the real question is: where do you live?

That is a coyote my friend. We live out in the sticks and hear the same thing. Either that or there is a crazy stalker outside/inside your house. You wouldn't be visiting Dwight Shrute on his beet farm would you?

Why would anybody even want to live a mile away from the closest neighbor? Are you a farmer or just some sort of society recluse? That scares me more than the screaming.

wow I'd move. lol maybe ur imagination. I always imagine like scary weird faces on my wall/door etc even tho I don't want to